mobility: Make it easier for your employees to get around

Make it easy for your employees to get around, reducing your costs and your carbon footprint

  • A global solution to manage business payments, fuel expenses, the Sustainable Mobility Package and Mobility Credit.
  • Elimination of expense advances for employees
  • Reduction of administrative tasks
  • Control and optimization of TCM (Total Cost of Mobility)
of piloting
for the manager
Payment card
for employees
for employees

A digital and financial solution

Mobility Pack is your ally for managing and setting up all your employees' travel and expenses, to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

  • A steering platformdedicated to the mobility manager, to set limits and types of expenses, monitor, analyze and optimize mobility, costs and environmental impact
  • An international payment card (physical and dematerialized) to pay all expenses, whether for travel, accommodation or even catering
  • A mobile application to track and justify expenses. Consult the limits and authorized categories. But also declare your expenses, search for and reserve alternative means of transportation, manage your Mobility Credit and Sustainable Mobility Package...
mobility platform, a digital and financial solution

From the requirement to the obvious!

Encouraged in France by the LOM law, sustainable mobility is now an absolute necessity in which everyone must play an active role in order to address environmental issues.

mobility solutions for businesses

For your company
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mobility solutions for your employees

For your employees
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mobility solutions for the planet

For the planet
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3 areas of application

The versatile Mobility Pack solution meets a number of challenges,
with immediate benefits for the company and its employees.

Sustainable Mobility Package and Mobility Credit

Sustainable Mobility Package
and Crédit Mobilités
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No-advance-fee management

Cost management
without advance
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Universal fuel card

Fuel card
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Interview Daniel Vassallucci

Mobility Pack, the answer to the challenges sustainable mobility of your employees?